Tuesday, March 23, 2010
...And Guido Makes Three
So here's a preview of the third installment of Transformers: Last Stand of the Wreckers, written by James Roberts and Nick Roche. Those with a keen artistic eye will notice that two of these pages aren't drawn by the fantabulous Nick Roche. But you'll be happy to know that fan-favorite and all-around nice guy Guido Guidi handled the pages involving Kup's team in this issue, and will be seeing some more action in #4, setting up an all-Roche grand finale in #5.
So check out the preview and pick up your copy Wednesday (or Thursday across the pond).
One Will Die!

Over on Nick Roche's blog, the mad Irishman has posted this flier promoting the third issue of Transformers: Last Stand of the Wreckers, due in stores March 24. Design by Chris Mowry. Go over and say hello to Nick and Chris, and more importantly, buy the issue this week! You won't be sorry!
Also, new release dates posted in the rail on the, ahem, right.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Gally Proof
One of our fans from the Northeast wasn’t able to attend, but I brought along his copy of Doctor Who #1 to take his place. And here’s a chronicle of its adventures.
Day One
We left Thursday night so we could set up for the show on Friday morning. Here’s the Comic after helping load the truck.
IDW Shipping Manager Alonzo Simon also joined me for the show, and here he is signing the Comic.
After a surprisingly quick drive from San Diego, we arrived at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott and checked into our room.
Day Two
The next morning, we were joined by Doctor Who artist Matthew Dow Smith and his lovely fiancée, Claire, for breakfast.
Then we began setting up our booth in the dealer’s room, dubbed the Cybermen Room.
Here’s Alonzo helping out some fans at the now completed IDW booth.
Matthew came back after a day of panels and shopping to sign the Comic.
Then we shut down the booth for the day.
Day Three
Since none of the pictures from the previous night are safe for public consumption, here’s the aftermath of the long night and short sleep.
But after a quick shower we were ready to man the booth again.
Saturday saw the most traffic of fans through the show, including this intimidating Dalek.
After another successful day at the show, we had a nice dinner and then relaxed by the pool.
Day Four
After our very successful panel on IDW comics, a couple of panellists came by the booth to sign the Comic.
Here’s series writer Tony Lee. The man has the fortitude of an Ogron, though his voice was starting to fail him by this point.
Joining us for the panel was living legend Richard Starkings, who was nice enough to sign the Comic.
Soon the show had come to a close, and we packed up the booth.
And two hours later, we made it back to the office and unloaded the truck.
Thus came to an end, our great adventure at Gallifrey One.
See you there next year!
—Denton J. Tipton